Our Memberships


Monthly Membership

Unlimited classes + open gym
Pay by direct debit


12 Month Membership

Unlimited classes + open gym
Pay upfront


3 x a Week

Can be used on classes + open gym
Pay by Direct Debit



Pay by Direct Debit

Age 15-17 - Monthly Membership - Classes Only

Blue Light, Student and Couples Discounts available.

Please enquire for further details

What The Pack are Saying

“The whole team at CrossFit Alpha Wolf have been outstanding. A very warm and welcoming atmosphere with sessions tailored to each individual’s ability to get the most out of your workout. A very knowledgeable and supportive team of coaches have guided me in my fitness goals so far this year, helping me to learn new skills and improve my technique which I look forward to continuing with. A breath of fresh air after training at commercial gyms for a number of years”

— Jobe U.

“It’s not just a gym, it’s a community. Everyone is so friendly and supportive, coaches and members. I’ve made so many friends here already. Suitable for complete beginners as everything is scalable and you will be fully supported throughout. Everyone starts somewhere and that’s very much recognised here - no egos or judgement, just friendly faces”

— Jo O..

Be part of the pack.